dijous, 24 de gener del 2013


The boy that sings the song says that now he's disappeared in a unknown place, and he is thinking about memories that they were flying. He opens his eyes and he sees that you (the girl that he loves) isn't with he, and she takes with her all that he gave to her.
He says too that if she goes away from here, away from he, he would like to follow her.
Every moment that they lived together is lost in the dark. 
He knows perfecly that anything is for accident. He never wanted to listen to her, and she was tired of that.
At finally he says that if he isn't with her nothing makes sense, and it will never make sense again. 
For he, love she isn't too easy, but he wants that.

Is a love song, where he explains what he feels now, when she isn't with he. He feels alone. He's missing her. He would like to be with she again.

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