dijous, 24 de gener del 2013

Llença’t, it’s a very beautiful song by Lax’n’busto. This is a song of the year 2000. And the translate of the title is: Fall down.
It’s about life the live, and if you fall down you must always get up and continue the life. And you must enjoy all moment because all are very important for your life.
The most important verse is:

Llença´t, cada instant és únic
no es repetirà,
sento que el cor ja no para de bategar
i diu que em llençi,
que no pensi en tot el que vindrà,
que un llapis mai no dibuixa sense una mà.

Throw you away, every moment is unique
It not be repeated,
And I think the heard never stop beating
And it says throw it,
And you mustn’t thing what will be came
And a pencil never draws without a hand


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