dijous, 24 de gener del 2013

Boig per tu/ Crazy for you

This song tells about a boy, who is always waiting for the night and for see the moon, the boy is crazy because he says that the moon is very far and he can’t has it.
He is singing the song at a bar and he says that he can’t arrive at the moon, but when he see his cup he see the reflex of the moon, he wants to drink it, because he is crazy for it.
When you don’t stay in the morning, the tears of the moon fall down and they will become  the rain.
I will stay trapped for the light and more crazy for you.
I know that I can’t arrive at you, but I can see in my cup your reflex and I would like to drink it because I’m crazy for you.

This is an old song but a classic song for the Catalan people.     
This song it can be for the moon but some people says that for a girl, too.
The group who sings this song is Sau.

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