COMENIUS 2011 – 2013
‘Different path, the same aim’
Comenius is an international program which involves schools in different countries. It’s all about learning other cultures, habits and it’s a great chance to practice your English. Comenius projects last 2 years.
This year the main title of our project is “Different path, the same aim”. The program involves two schools: our Gimnasjum number 48 and I.E.S. Joan Segura and Valls in Santa Coloma de Queralt. There are twenty two pupils in each country taking part and there are two project’s coordinators from both sides. In Poland the main teacher is Beata Pastuszko and in Catalunya - David Melero Domenech.
Our aim is to show each other a history of our states, beginning with Middle Ages and ending in present times. But we will also sightsee monuments and places worth seeing while visiting each other.
Pupils from Catalunya are visiting us in the end of March 2012 and pupils from Poland are going to Spain in the end of September 2012. During these visits, students will stay at participants’ houses and live there for about eleven days. There will be a lot of interesting trips and chances to find out something about lives in different countries.
Comenius gives us an opportunity to talk in English, (the most popular language in the world), to meet new people who have different culture, habits, views and to make some new friends all over the world.
Agnieszka Wątrobska klasa IIB
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