dimarts, 28 de maig del 2013

Romanç about Olinos Count.

There's a large music poem, about the life of Count Olinos. We hope you like it. It's played by our group with Jaume Martell (musician).

dijous, 24 de gener del 2013

Caic-Gerard Quintana

This is a song by Gerard Quintana, expresses the sadness of the character. Is a very beautiful song. The character is sad because have a problem with his girldfriend.

The mind of “caic” is fall.

The song:

Caic, a poc a poc me´n vaig,
la física em captiva i la gravetat m´inclina als teus peus..
caic, al mateix temps desfaig,
els nussos que regiren aquest fràgil equilibri, meu..
res no dura gaire..
em moc, no sóc d´en lloc,
d´aquest país d´aire..
mai, tornaré a viure mai
amb el pes que arrossega la mentida, la rutina, el trist engany,
sense final jo caic,
el món sencer s´estimba contra els vidres dels meus dies,
m´enfonso dins l´aigua,
la corrent em porta a prop,
del meu país d´aire,
l´impuls d´un instant,
dibuixa el meu salt,
travessa els espais en blanc,
arribes te´n vas,
la vida es desfà,
invisible en el mar dels anys,
canto sense xarxa,
salto i sempre caic,
res no dura gaire..
em moc, no sóc d´en lloc
del vell país d´aire,
l´impuls d´un instant,
dibuixa el meu salt,
travessa els espais en blanc,
arribes te´n vas,
la vida es desfà,
invisible en el mar dels anys...
l´impuls d´un instant,
dibuixa el meu cant,
travesso els espais en blanc,
arribes te´n vas,
la vida es desfà,
invisible en el mar dels anys...

The song that I choose is "Pol petit" by "Beth".
This song talks about a boy who takes his guitar and telling the truth without fear because the day are he living they haven't got life.
And the song say...Days of anguish made streets full of fear people without hope cities without a heart.
Children who grow with the frozen heart: they are toys that have large trances.
This means that the city where they live it hasn't got life, no fun and no hope.
Everything is boring and small children don't grow with life.
And then say that Pol a boy of the boring town, he must play's the guitar and sing all the truth. 
Because only this boy can change their village and able to back the fun.
And at the end of the song say "Hey, Little Pol I also sing! We say that the guitars, will tell you that the songs are just for fun and you should not seek reasons.
But do not let that fool you, Who says you do not want either You must go out to sing on the street."
And this that means that Pol sing a song without fear and with a lot of hope.

And this is a Catalan song and I like so much. FINISH...

Ara- Now

This song tells "the history" of a man falling in love with a girl.

He says that he can't stop thinking about she, everything that he makes remember it.

He has lost her, he hasn't got her next to him and he misses her.

He wants to be with her and be happy. He will still waiting all the time as required.

The girl could be anywhere. Maybe she is with another man, maybe had an accident, or just they have a longer time for think.

But he will always have hope!

Llença’t, it’s a very beautiful song by Lax’n’busto. This is a song of the year 2000. And the translate of the title is: Fall down.
It’s about life the live, and if you fall down you must always get up and continue the life. And you must enjoy all moment because all are very important for your life.
The most important verse is:

Llença´t, cada instant és únic
no es repetirà,
sento que el cor ja no para de bategar
i diu que em llençi,
que no pensi en tot el que vindrà,
que un llapis mai no dibuixa sense una mà.

Throw you away, every moment is unique
It not be repeated,
And I think the heard never stop beating
And it says throw it,
And you mustn’t thing what will be came
And a pencil never draws without a hand


Jo vull ser Rei
Jo vull ser Rei is a Catalan song. This is a revelation song, the most important sentence in the song is this: If we're the same in front of the law, why I'll never become a king? The singer say “It’s possible I do as or better than the King” but it’s impossible I’m the king.  He says he was born in the kings house you have old de things and old the things you do are good.

The song that I'm going to descrive is "Sense tu" of the group Terapia de shock.
The song talks about a boy that he can't live without his girl. 
He remember when they were together, her brillant eyes, her beautiful smile. Then it says that he is nothing without she and he can't without she. In the final of the song the boy became happy because she always stay in his heart.

I like this song because the letter is beautiful to listen, and when I hear it I remember moments of my past.


The song talks about a boy called Roc and he’s just born. It’s supposed that his father is singing the song or at least thinking what it says. The father says that Roc is not imagining what happiness has him created. The father is hallucinated looking at him, it’s not a toy, it’s a real baby! His dad can’t believe how gorgeous is Roc, the tiny baby.
When both are by themselves the baby talks, his dad might understand him! His dad has actually felt in love with his baby and he will teach him more that he has learnt. He will teach him all the sources because he wants him in a better world. Roc has to stoming and be stronger that his father and be sure of what he does. His daddy says that if he smiles everybody cannot say no.
Roc is strong as his name says (Roc in English is Rock). Always forwards! Don’t look back!
I heard that song on a show and I really liked it. I like it for the melody and the rhythm, but the most important thing is the meaning of the lyrics. This song makes you feel better. 


The boy that sings the song says that now he's disappeared in a unknown place, and he is thinking about memories that they were flying. He opens his eyes and he sees that you (the girl that he loves) isn't with he, and she takes with her all that he gave to her.
He says too that if she goes away from here, away from he, he would like to follow her.
Every moment that they lived together is lost in the dark. 
He knows perfecly that anything is for accident. He never wanted to listen to her, and she was tired of that.
At finally he says that if he isn't with her nothing makes sense, and it will never make sense again. 
For he, love she isn't too easy, but he wants that.

Is a love song, where he explains what he feels now, when she isn't with he. He feels alone. He's missing her. He would like to be with she again.


This song is about a man that wants to be free and live in the sea. He sais that his life is in the sea. For him, it doesn’t matter the hours and the real life because he want feel free and he say: 

Give me strength to shout,
I'm not here, I'm not there,
I am part of the ocean.
Give me strength to shout,
I am me, I'm not anyone.

He doesn’t like his real life because all the things are false and he wants become in a new world full of love and peace. He thinks that the perfect place where there are these two things is the sea and he wants live in the ocean “with water and salt” and find happiness.

The song is from a Catalan group of music (Lax'n Busto) and it’s well know in Catalonia. All their songs transmitted a message to reconsider and reflect our lives.

I think this song is very emotive because reflects the man’s feeling very well and his feelings are so special to be happy, and if I could I live in the sea without concerns and feeling free!

Lax'n'Busto- Que boig el món

I love this song because it explains that the world is crazy and it always makes us think 'I don't know what I do here'. We can't understand our world and the song says although we fight and fight the world will always leave us in the beginning of the road. It also tells that we come to it to suffer. We can hear that when we lost something or someone it doesn't helps to recover but the song teaches that the secret is in the distance. Not all the words of the song are sad: it sings that the people go down like the water and in each obstacle we return to the road and we build our target, too. After, we can learn that when we are in a difficult situations we are the ones that we govern them and we must fight for them because we have nothing to lose. The world is our and it is the best thing. Finally the song says that it makes us go up and down and it is later when we can realize that we are much worse. In this world it isn't necessary that we believe only in one thing we can believe in more thing. Also in it we can be wicked and evil but the worst thing is it never knowing who moves the strings of our roof.

Boig per tu/ Crazy for you

This song tells about a boy, who is always waiting for the night and for see the moon, the boy is crazy because he says that the moon is very far and he can’t has it.
He is singing the song at a bar and he says that he can’t arrive at the moon, but when he see his cup he see the reflex of the moon, he wants to drink it, because he is crazy for it.
When you don’t stay in the morning, the tears of the moon fall down and they will become  the rain.
I will stay trapped for the light and more crazy for you.
I know that I can’t arrive at you, but I can see in my cup your reflex and I would like to drink it because I’m crazy for you.

This is an old song but a classic song for the Catalan people.     
This song it can be for the moon but some people says that for a girl, too.
The group who sings this song is Sau.